Passion drives us. But this ‘fuel’ cannot help us to last the whole journey. This is a business that takes more from you than it gives to you. So if you want it to give a little more to you, I think you need more than a large dose of passion.

My journey has always been a bumpy ride with many challenges along the way. Since I made the decision to continue on the journey, I faced some of these challenges head-on, and some challenges I thought it was better to go around them.

I have learned a few things that helped me get to the next destination in my journey.

I learned that I needed to be more than just a creative person to be able to get clients to accept the work. I had to be an advertising person first. I love strategy, and I have learned to love the business. This is not about passion. It is about intention.

Sometimes it is not about creativity or strategy. Sometimes it is about having the courage to make the decision that is not popular but necessary. Without courage, you will feel utterly paralyzed.

Humans are political creatures. Some play hard politics, some play subtle politics. Thankfully, not everyone relies on politics to get ahead. I have not encountered someone as deadly as Frank Underwood of House of Cards, and hopefully never will. I have had the misfortune of working with a few mini-Underwoods though. Never a pleasant experience. What helped me to not be crushed by them is my survival instinct.

As a person who has no natural luck, I have to create my own opportunities. I had to learn to see opportunity gaps in-between problem and crisis. It is easier to spot opportunities when times are good. Spotting opportunities when times are bad can save your life. This I attribute it to my stubbornness. I refuse to believe that there is no other way. There is always another way.

Having the capacity to withstand pain is also something that is a part of me. The pain that comes with our job is more the mental sort. But it can still be as painful as being hit by something physical. So endurance helps.

We all have our own journey to travel. Some of us walk, some of us run, some of us are carried by others. No matter where it is that each of us is going, let’s hope it has been worthwhile.

The views expressed in this article are personal opinions and do not represent the views of the respective agency.
Source: Brands Vietnam